
My granny and me are both single ladies looking for laughs and love in the world of online dating.

31 Comments on “About”

  1. Amber says:

    A friend of mine told me about your blog and I think your concept is genius! I would love to interview you for a story I’m working on. Let me know what you think!

  2. Maria Peredo says:

    I love this Blog! I was honestly laughing so hard as i read your posts and at the same time laughing because i honeslty relate with you stories and issues in the world of single women. Your blog definitely made my day! Thank you!

  3. Grace says:

    My sister sent me this post recently and I can’t help but reply – I’ve been going through the same process(es) of online dating except I have no granny to be my wingman. Oh, I’m pretty jealous – if only I could share all of my stories as well. The last one turned out to be a married man – that was a dud. Maybe women can add to your blog in a side blog (letters to the editor) of similar stories. But really, nothing is the same without a granny. ^_^

  4. Jen says:

    This is great! My best wishes to you and your granny!

  5. Hi Kayli – I LOVE your blog! I’m an Associate Producer at The Gayle King Show on OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network. Are you in NYC? I’d love to talk about the possibility of having you and granny on our show! Please let me know if you’re interested. Thanks!


  7. jjack says:

    Based on what granny looks like, I know you’re gonna be hot forever!!

  8. RUAIRI O HEARA says:

    Hello Kayli
    I was at work today and i was watching Fox news and saw urself and ur grandmother talking about your blog…. Its a great Idea! I wish you all the best! You really seem like a lovely person.

    Ruairi O hEara


  9. keith says:

    Great work your doing, I wish you and Granny the best! I myself, am quite proud of your accomplishments.

  10. Hi there! I love your blog — such a great idea. I’m writing because I’m a reporter and I’m interested in writing a story about you and your granny, and this blog, for a national magazine. I couldn’t find your contact information on this site, so figured I’d leave a comment. If you’re interested, can you shoot me an email and I’ll give you all the details?

    Thanks! Looking forward to connecting!

  11. Amber says:

    I love this blog! You are a great writer and your grandma sounds like a lot of fun! Please continue to keep this up!

  12. Robyn says:

    Thanks for this authentic, warm and funny blog. I envy you and your grandmother’s relationship. I know you must both realize that your relationship with each other may be more heartfelt and deeper than any connection either of you will ever have with a man. Your blog makes me laugh and feel okay about being a single, middle-aged woman.

  13. Rachel Murphy says:

    Love this blog! Your grandmother is adorable. Would you mind sending me an email? Rachel.s.murphy@abc.com

    Thanks 🙂

  14. Connie Larrimore says:

    Just saw you and grandma on ABC news segment with robin Roberts! I’m definately gonna check into your blog! Are you on twitter? I am JING684 or search my full name if you want to twitter me YOUR iD! Thanks and hoping many happy dates are in your future : )

  15. I am 64 years old I would love to meet someone who likes to laugh go to dinner and have sex yes I said sex. I still like it sometimes I think I’m crazy but can’t help how I feel. I just want one person who have the same feelings as I do. Right now I am having an affaire with a married man I do not like it but the sex is good so I do it. We go nowhere not to dinner not even do we go out the door starting to dislike it more and more, so I would like to meet someone who would like to have a real relatonship, were do I go to found this, Thank You Vi DuRocher

  16. kathleen says:

    I saw you on goodmorning america and then came right here to read your blog. My daughter in law has encouraged me to try online dating and I don’t know if I can do that …..then I listened to both of you this morning (Iam the grandma LOL) and maybe I can do this for myself. ..either way I cannot wait to read all about your adventures.
    Thanks so much

  17. Karen says:

    I, too, just saw you on GMA and really enjoyed what you’re doing. I will be checking back often to see updates. I also tried the online dating (I’m 63) but coming from a small town (40,000 people) the pickins’ are slim. The ones that contacted me were from 1-3 hours away and I have trouble driving at night…lol. Old eyes 🙂 So meeting half way was a problem. And our small town has little to offer for a “stranger date”. So I’ve decided to be content in my single life and let nature take its course. And it just might be…smile. But I will be keeping tabs on the two of you and good luck, have fun, and grannie’s right…just enjoy.

  18. Elizabeth says:

    I have to say that I loved this concept you two came up with. I hope that if I am looking for a date when I reach your age I look as healthy & good as Granny. My Grand Daughters (twins) are going to be 5 so I have a ways to go yet!

  19. Lucas says:

    I watched your interview on Good Morning America this morning! I understand exactly what you described about online dating. I would take you on a date!!!

  20. Brandon says:

    Saw u on GMA this morning, the idea is great. Who better to have ur back than the wisest person you know? I find it difficult to believe that u had to resort to online dating, then again maybe not since men r hardly men anymore. Anyhow, u are very beautiful and I hope u hit it big soon he’ll be very lucky.

  21. Meaghan says:

    This morning I got a tweet from abcnews about the 24- year- old with a granny wingman. When I went to the article I realized it was you! You and I went to Woodstock together! And now, after reading a few posts, I can see you still use Woodstock cheers on dates. Nice. Great blog!

  22. Sandy says:

    Awesome job with your adventure in life. Keep it up ladies! I just read a few of your blogs and I love the Whole Foods Hooker story. I like your grandmas thinking. Ahhh to be so lucky to have a grandma in your life… I will keep up on your website. Keep us updated.

  23. Jason Levine says:

    I caught a few moments of your GMA interview this morning in between client calls (I work from home) and was intrigued. After reading a bit of your latest post I want to read more. I’m 32, and while I am no longer in the dating game, I too went through the gauntlet that is online dating, and now that I think back on those experiences, I surely have worn the hats of at least several of the men you’ve written about. I cringe when I think about how I acted on some of those dates! Of course, online dating is a two-way street, although us men are usually to blame for most of the dates that go nowhere. Either way, I think your blog is as informative to women as it is to men when it comes to “date behavior”.
    Thanks for putting yourself out there and giving the rest of us some intelligent and witty input.


  24. sheacaleb133@gmail.com says:

    Loving the blog, keep up the entertaining post!

  25. Chloe says:

    I always look forward to your blog entries, they are so entertaining. Keep up the great writing and good luck with the dating. I have been spreading the word about your blog over here in the UK!

  26. Jocelyn Bolick says:

    Love your blog (and grandma too). You know, this has to turn into a book someday. Maybe a few years down the road, ereaders will be able to play the *.mp3 files!

  27. Liz Davis says:

    Your blog is awesome!!! I would love to chat with you about a new television opportunity! Can you shoot me over an email me? I’ll can give you all of the details from there! lizdcasting@gmail.com

  28. Elizabeth Costello says:

    I wouldn’t mind but, someone else would probably be better to do this other than me. Grand Daughters just turned 5 & they’re in New Mexico i’m in NY

  29. delphine88 says:

    Hi there!

    I have spent the last couple of days reading all of your blog entries and laughing hysterically. I feel like the online dating scene is such a frontier for twenty year-olds, and there is so much to comment on experience. Anyway, I have been on roughly 100 first dates in 9 months via OKCupid and would love to just chat with you further about blogging/online dating. My blog is http://findmypenguin.wordpress.com/.

    Let me know!

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